SMA Negeri Jumapolo has organized an art exhibition as part of Program Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5). This is the second time this exhibition event has been held in the academic year 2023/2024. With the theme “Si Wira dan Eka: Sinergi Kewirausahaan Dalam Kebhinekaan,” (Si Wira and Eka : Entrepreneurial Synergy in Diversity) the exhibition took place on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at the SMA N Jumapolo schoolyards. The presence of all students from classes X and XI, along with teachers and school staff, brought a festive atmosphere to the exhibition of student works. This event also provided an opportunity for students to proudly show their talents and creativity.
In this art exhibition, students from class X were given the opportunity to present a performance entitled “Bhineka Tunggal Ika: Harmoni Budayaku, Maju Negeriku.” (“Bhineka Tunggal Ika: Harmony of My Culture, Advancing My Nation.”) With the aim of raising awareness of cultural diversity in Indonesia and introducing the cultural heritage of nation, which is sometimes forgotten by the younger generation, students performed various arts, games, and traditional costumes from different regions of Indonesia. The event began with the enchanting sounds of gamelan, performing the songs Kebo Giro and Salam Pelajar Pancasila, followed by the mesmerizing Gambyong dance. After warm speeches from the committee chairman and the school principal, the official event began with a dazzling Fashion Show featuring traditional costumes from 30 provinces in Indonesia, all clothes worn on the show were created by students. The Sali, traditional attire from Papua, presented by class X 4 group 1, emerged as the favorite performance.
Beside fashion show, various captivating dances were performed, ranging from traditional dances such as Candik Ayu, Kidang, Kecak, Mojang Priangan, Piring, Saman, to new creative works such as Jengger Bali, Tor Tor, and Sajojo, all executed with great skill by the students. Supporting this event, the gamelan team also enlivened the atmosphere with renditions of songs such as “Lintang Asmoro” and “Gugur Gunung,” while the choir charmed the audience with traditional songs like “Cik Cik Periuk,” “Bungong Jeumpa,” and “Suwe Ora Jamu.” All songs performed with melodious voices that uplifted spirits. The event was also enriched with various traditional games such as Rangku Alu, Cublak-Cublak Suweng, Boy-Boyan, and Congklak, presented in a captivating musical drama. Overall, this art exhibition not only entertained but also celebrated the proud cultural diversity of Indonesia.
Meanwhile, students from class XI explored the theme “Yang Muda yang Punya Usaha” (“Young Generation Own Business”) with a focus on fostering entrepreneurship among students. The selection of this theme aimed to inspire and instill entrepreneurial spirit in the students. A total of 10 food stands were set up by students from 10 different classes, competing to sell their products. One aspect that garnered attention was their efforts in decorating the stands with different themes, such as Bali, Animal, Sports, Toy Story, Blackpink, Arabic, Dinosaur, Retro, Batik, and Japan. The products offered at each stand were also diverse, ranging from snacks to heavy meals such as French fries, cilok, seblak, dimsum, piscok, pudding, chips, chicken katsu, fried noodles, grilled rice, and so on. Not only that, fresh drinks such as milk tea, es kuwut, coconut iced, iced tea, coffee latte, and others were also available at their stands. Not only food and drinks, handmade crafts such as artificial flowers, bracelets, and phone charms were also sold by the students. During this event, the creativity of each class was assessed rigorously. The focus of evaluation in this entrepreneurship art exhibition was on ideas and concepts stand design, layout and display, as well as cleanliness and tidiness. From the evaluation results, the winners of the P5 art exhibition for class XI were XI A1, followed by classes XI D2 and XI A2 as second and third place.
Principal of SMAN Jumapolo, Hasto Tyas Harjadi, S.Pd, M.Pd, stated that the organization of this art exhibition is the result of a long journey and joint efforts of students and supervising teachers. In his opening speech, Hasto conveyed, “The essence of this Art Exhibition, which is the harvest of P5, is that you have been able to harvest a sense of solidarity, character, strong determination, spirit of innovation and creativity, and mutual cooperation.” This statement is in line with the school principal’s vision regarding the importance of instilling Pancasila values in students. The successful art exhibition held until this evening confirms the embedding of the Pancasila student profile, including faith and devotion to the Almighty, noble character, a spirit of global diversity, cooperation, creativity, independence, and critical thinking.
BY : Lintang Indah Ayu Respati Dewi, S.S